182 Quotes About Abandonment

  • Author A.D. Aliwat
  • Quote

    How can one who has been abandoned—truly, no one left in sight—be less alone?Before, his answer would have been 'books,' but now he can’t bring himself to believe it. It was a taradiddle wrapped up in weltschmerz, just some defense mechanism to feel better about being an unpopular youth, about being as lonely as he was.

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  • Author A.D. Aliwat
  • Quote

    How can one who has been abandoned—truly, no one left in sight—be less alone?Before, his answer would have been “books,” but now he can’t bring himself to believe it. It was a taradiddle wrapped up in weltschmerz, just some defense mechanism to feel better about being an unpopular youth, about being as lonely as he was.

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  • Author Kristin Hannah
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    The children's lives would never be the same after today. Their opinions of everything would change, but especially their opinions of themselves, of the durability of love and the truth of their family. They would know forever that their father hadn't loved their mother--or them--enough to stay with them through hard times.

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