40 Quotes About Abolish


"Abolish or violate any law, rule or constitution is the act of disloyalty to the state and its people; it does not fall under the good faith; it is the way of the traitor. Giving legal status, such a traitor to any reason is itself a crime."


"Abolish or violate any law, rule, or constitution is the act of disloyalty to the state and its people; it does not fall under the good faith; it is the way of the traitor. Giving legal status such a traitor to any reason is itself a crime."


"As a practical matter, it has proven difficult to either reform or abolish the CIA, ... The logical alternative may be to simply create an entirely new agency."


"We have already raised our concerns about recent changes to the visa regime for international students as well as further measures proposed by government, including plans to abolish the right of appeal for international students who are refused visas, that risk making us less attractive as a study destination."


"We will abolish this requirement and reduce the burdens placed upon you, ... This will be the first in a series of regulatory requirements that we can remove."


"The government could merely reduce or remit taxes. Only the NPC has the right to abolish agricultural tax."


"By liberating women from household work and helping to abolish professions such as domestic service, the washing machine and other household goods completely revolutionised the structure of society."


"The Spanish Civil War, Britain was not involved in it. Going back a bit, there was the naval blockade to stop the slave trade in the 19th century; that was morally just. Shame they didn't bother to abolish slavery at the same time."


"If you would abolish avarice, you must abolish its mother, luxury"
