92 Quotes About Abolition
- Author GaryLFrancione
Welfare reforms and the whole “happy” exploitation movement are not “baby steps.” They are big steps–in a seriously backward direction.
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- Author GaryLFrancione
We cannot justify treating any sentient nonhuman as our property, as a resource, as a thing that we an use and kill for our purposes.
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- Author Sojourner Truth
Then I will speak upon the ashes.
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- Author Gary L. Francione
We do not need to eat animals, wear animals, or use animals for entertainment purposes, and our only defense of these uses is our pleasure, amusement, and convenience.
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- Author César Cuauhtémoc García Hernández
If nightmares can become reality, why can't dreams?...I imagine a future where immigration prisons do not exist.
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- Author Timothy Keller
Older forms of indentured servanthood and the bond-service of biblical times had often been harsh, but Christian abolitionists concluded that race-based, life-long chattel slavery, established through kidnapping, could not be squared with biblical teaching either in the Old Testament or the New.
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- Author Gary L. Francione
We can no more justify using nonhumans as human resources than we can justify human slavery. Animal use and slavery have at least one important point in common: both institutions treat sentient beings exclusively as resources of others. That cannot be justified with respect to humans; it cannot be justified with respect to nonhumans—however “humanely” we treat them.
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- Author GaryLFrancione
Veganism is an act of nonviolent defiance. It is our statement that we reject the notion that animals are things and that we regard sentient nonhumans as moral persons with the fundamental moral right not to be treated as the property or resources of humans.
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- Author GaryLFrancione
Ethical veganism represents a commitment to nonviolence.
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