403 Quotes About Abortion
"The rights of children as individuals begin while yet they remain the foetus."
"If you subsidize an activity you get more of it. It's encouraging the behavior that leads to more clients for abortion clinics."
"The freedom to kill is not a true freedom, but a tyranny that reduces human beings to slavery."
"Both childbirth and abortion are medical procedures but neither is an illness, and sometimes they're both treated as such."
"Interestingly, in Cuba abortion is treated as lightly as getting a mole removed."
"If anybody reads an Indian newspaper, all these things are obvious, and so I am not breaking news. All I am doing is representing my community as it actually is. Also, I have to assume that readers are sophisticated enough to know that not every person in a community is the same, and so there are many people who would not force an abortion just because a fetus is female. Even within my stories, people hold opposing views."