513 Quotes About Admit

  • Author Eik Kahng
  • Quote

    People are always accusing her and wanting to know why she's obsessed with sexual parts. She refuses to even admit that these things are directly representational, and they aren't, really, in a sense. They're suggestive of lots of different organic shapes and natural forms.

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  • Author Eid Kabalu
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    There have been some problems because we're doing this for the first time. We admit we're not as systematic as the military. Remember, we're guerrillas.

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  • Author Eli Khamarov
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    To admit there is no god is to provide free license to pillage and rape with clear conscience.

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  • Author Fanny Kemble
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    But I do not admit the comparison between your slaves and even the lowest class of European free labourers, for the former are allowed the exercise of no faculties but those which they enjoy in common with the brutes that perish.

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  • Author Florence King
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    Lacking ladylike poison, Lizzie (Borden) did what every over-civilized, understated Wasp is entirely capable of doing once we finally admit we're mad as hell and aren't going to take it any more: She went from Anglo to Saxon in a trice

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  • Author Gregg Kilday
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    You'll never find anyone at AOL Time Warner to admit it, but in the best of all possible worlds, having had one out this summer and one this winter would be preferable to both coming out at year's end,

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  • Author Janis Karpinski
  • Quote

    Iraq was a huge country, and when you have people largely saying now, 'He may have been a dictator, but we were better under Saddam,' this Administration needs to take notice. And at some point you have to say, 'Stop the train, because it's completely derailed. How do we fix it?' But in an effort to do that, you have to admit that you made a few mistakes, and this Administration is not willing to admit any mistakes whatsoever.

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  • Author Jim King
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    As submitted, their requested amendment is not consistent with the comprehensive plan. We think that with modifications - and I admit some of them are substantial - it can be consistent with the comp plan.

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  • Author Michael Kramer
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    I think it's a good day when any of us, any journalistic institution, will strongly investigate itself and will forthrightly admit when wrong.

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