159 Quotes About Admitted

  • Author James Gosling
  • Quote

    One of the Microsoft representatives in attendance admitted that unilateral language extensions would be detrimental and said that Microsoft 'wouldn't be cowboys' by unilaterally introducing such extensions in their implementation of Java.

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  • Author Jeff Goodell
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    Even the biggest coal boosters have long admitted that coal is a dying industry - the fight has always been over how fast and how hard the industry will fall.

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  • Author Ken Goldberg
  • Quote

    To have nature directly admitted into the San Francisco Opera House is pretty risky because of its unpredictability. As far as we know, nothing like this has ever been done.

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  • Author Laurie Graham
  • Quote

    I love working fictional characters into a piece of history. It plays to my strengths, which are characterization and dialogue, and assists me in my admitted weakness, plot.

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  • Author Mark Geragos
  • Quote

    The police orchestrated a press conference starring Amber Frey (Peterson's admitted lover) that was carried live on television in January, almost four full months before Scott was even arrested let alone arraigned in this matter. Before the current defense team was in place, Modesto police had held at least six televised press conferences.

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  • Author Michael Garcia
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    KPMG and HVB have admitted that they and their co-conspirators used false and misleading documentation to cheat the government out of billions of dollars in taxes owed by America's wealthiest citizens.

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  • Author Mohandas Gandhi
  • Quote

    Experience convinces me that permanent good can never be the outcome of untruth and violence. Even if my belief is a fond delusion, it will be admitted that it is a fascinating delusion.

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  • Author Pat Garrity
  • Quote

    I didn't think it was that big of a distraction at all. He said he was frustrated and admitted to making a mistake. And I give him a lot of credit for that because there's a lot of guys in sports today who get into confrontations with either coaches or management and aren't big enough to admit when they make a mistake.

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  • Author William Goldman
  • Quote

    What are we going to do about Billy? That was the phrase that haunted me those first ten years. I pretended not to care, but secretly I was petrified. Everyone and everything was passing me by. I had no real friends, no single person who shared an equal interest in all games. I seemed busy, busy, busy, but I suppose, if pressed, I might have admitted that, for all my frenzy, I was very much alone.

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