116 Quotes About Adopting
- Author Michael Dorf
Jewish music has come an extremely long way since Bob Zimmerman changed his name to Dylan. Now you have Madonna adopting Jewish culture and making it pop, showing the Hebrew aleph on a backdrop in her concerts. It's an interesting phenomenon, and the festival is a bit of a manifestation that Jewish music is becoming a genre of sorts.
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- Author William Donaldson
I anticipate that in January the commission will consider adopting rules that would require 'dollars and cents' fee disclosure to shareholders, coupled with more frequent disclosure of portfolio holdings information,
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- Author Rod Eddington
We will not become a no frills airline nor will we launch one, ... We will compete profitably and intelligently alongside them by adopting what they do well.
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- Author Tom Eid
There is no longer any excuse for not adopting corporate IM. But businesses should establish policies for connecting with external parties, to ensure public IM services are used for real business purposes.
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- Author Al From
We can help parents raise kids by adopting a uniform media rating system and banning marketing of violence to children.
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- Author Joel Fuhrman
We can reduce these cancer rates - breast cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer - by 90 percent or more by people adopting what I call a nutritrarian diet.
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- Author Timothy Fisher
Infrastructure is clearly a critical process for adopting hydrogen fuels. There's certainly going to be places where hydrogen won't be existing for a long time, but the petroleum infrastructure is just about everywhere now.
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- Author Bob Graham
Baghdad for now appears to be drawing a line short of conducting terrorist attacks with conventional, or CBW (chemical and biological weapons) against the United States, ... Should Saddam conclude that a U.S.-led attack could no longer be deterred, he probably would become much less constrained in adopting terrorist actions.
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- Author Julius Genachowski
Small businesses were slower than large businesses in adopting broadband. One of the reasons was they were concerned with putting their customer lists online or in the cloud.
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