34 Quotes About Affirmative-action
- Author Ron Suskind
Once they arrive, affirmative action kids are generally left to sink or swim academically. Brown (University) offers plenty of counseling and tutoring to struggling students, but, as any academic Dean will tell you, it's up to the students to seek it out, something that a drowning minority student will seek to avoid at all costs, fearing it will trumpet a second-class status.
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- Author Michael Rectenwald
Further, when markers of race, gender, gender fluidity, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion and other factors are the only criteria considered in hiring or admissions, students are cheated, as are those chosen to meet diversity measures on the basis of identity alone. Nothing is more essentialist or constraining than diversity understood strictly in terms of identity.
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- Author John H. McWhorter
We must neither behave as children by resisting honesty, nor allow ourselves to be treated as children by having honesty withheld.
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- Author Sonia Sotomayor
One thing has not changed: to doubt the worth of minority students' achievement when they succeed is really only to present another face of the prejudice that would deny them a chance to even try. It is the same prejudice that insists all those destined for success must be cast from the same mold as those who have succeeded before them, a view that experience has already proven a fallacy.
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- Author Harry A. Blackmun
It is somewhat ironic to have us so deeply disturbed over a program where race is an element of consciousness, and yet to be aware of the fact, as we are, that institutions of higher learning... have been given conceded preferences to the children of alumni.
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- Author Joe Lieberman
I have supported affirmative action, I do support affirmative action and I will support affirmative action.
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- Author Anna Quindlen
I am an affirmative action hire.
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