828 Quotes About Agency
- Author PPC Agency
That's why it's always important to screen the prospective PPC agency before you buy into it or sign a contract with the company. You don't want to pay for manufactured clicks but only for the genuine ones.
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- Author Socrates
If it were said that without such bones and sinews and all the rest of them I should not be able to do what I think is right, it would be true; but to say that it is because of them that I do what I am doing, and not through choice of what is best - although my actions are controlled by Mind - would be a very lax and inaccurate form of expression.
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- Author Kim Stanley Robinson
Individuals make history, but it's also a collective thing, a wave that people ride in their time, a wave made of individual actions. So ultimately history is another particle/wave duality that no one can parse or understand.
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- Author Catherynne M. Valente in The Refrigerator Monologues
I was better than a punk. I was a protaganist.
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- Author Michael Brent Jones
We are the masters of our own destinies, and only we can allow our hearts to be filled, and enable our souls to be happy. No amount of power or mercy can change a heart from empty to whole, or change the end of a will from everlasting sadness to eternal joy.
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- Author Jessica Riskin
What was it like to live amidst such machines, to be familiar with them, to have them shape one's earliest intuitions about machinery: how it works, what it does, how it compares to living creatures?
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- Author William Cronon
Resources, waterways, and climatic zones loom so large in their writings that one can almost forget that people have something to do with the building of cities.
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- Author Friedrich Engels
History does nothing, it possesses no immense wealth, it wages no battles. It is man, real, living man who does all that, who possesses and fights; history is not, as it were, a person apart, using man as a means to achieve its own aims; history is nothing but the activity of man pursuing his aims.
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- Author Joshua Gaylord
Rather than simply being subject to them, I had wanted to know what it felt like to be one of the forces in this world.
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