451 Quotes About Agenda

  • Author Jon Huntsman, Jr.
  • Quote

    That's what governors do, they wrestle with the issues, they find solutions and they move the agenda forward. At the appropriate time we'll talk about all of these issues, while remembering that our party is a big tent party. We lose when we try to become exclusive to one particular set of issues.

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  • Author Ma Jun
  • Quote

    To deal with local pollution, China has put on the agenda the capping of coal, which has long been a sensitive issue.

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  • Author Tony Judt
  • Quote

    Healthcare reform is a paradigmatic case. It is self-evidently necessary and inevitable and has been on the agenda for 35 years, and the political class seems completely unable to respond to it.

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  • Author Trent Johnson
  • Quote

    The easiest thing to do in coaching is when you have an element of success, to take off (for) the highest paycheck. That's never been the agenda for me. My agenda has always been what's best for the kids.

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  • Author Adam Koenig
  • Quote

    I've supported the governor before. I look forward to seeing more of his agenda pass in the upcoming session,

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  • Author David Kay
  • Quote

    And let me take one of the explanations most commonly given: Analysts were pressured to reach conclusions that would fit the political agenda of one or another administration. I deeply think that is a wrong explanation.

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  • Author Derrick Kellier
  • Quote

    If you listen to the prime minister, you will understand from her utterances that the areas related to poverty alleviation are very high on her agenda and I believe that this will be among the things that she would want to focus on.

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  • Author Haruhiko Kuroda
  • Quote

    We will have on agenda faster growth perception. The economies are already growing fast and the meeting will discuss how ADB can assist in further accelerating this growth.

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