451 Quotes About Agenda

  • Author Mark Kelly
  • Quote

    This is a group with a public agenda of hate and violence toward other people. I don't think they're in anyway in consonance with Loyola's beliefs or, quite honestly, individuals or groups of good faith anywhere.

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  • Author Naeem Khan
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    This (prisoners' issue) will be one of the major agenda item of the New Delhi talks, which will also focus on other issues such as cooperation in counter-terrorism.

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  • Author Nancy Karl
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    And everyone had a different opinion on what we should do with the place. We probably have the least agenda of anyone.

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  • Author Robert Knight
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    Being pro-life means more than casting a good vote now and then on an abortion-related bill. It also means supporting God's institution of marriage and fighting the homosexual agenda at every level, whether it is in the schools, the workplace or in the hallways of government.

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  • Author Steve Kijak
  • Quote

    The agenda that they push has changed several times. It has gone from Bush started the war for oil. Once the blood-for-oil argument failed to get traction, they moved on to he's fighting daddy's war now. It's amazing how many talking points we've gone through - and there's going to be more to come, I'm sure.

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  • Author Sue Monk Kidd
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    My stories have a deep spiritual core because I have a deep desire to understand things of the spirit, but yet I don't think I've written these stories from any kind of specific religious agenda because I don't think that would work.

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  • Author Ted Kennedy
  • Quote

    On issue after issue, they have moved brazenly to impose their agenda on America and on the world, ... They have pursued their goals at the expense of urgent national and human needs and at the expense of the truth. America deserves better.

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  • Author Tim Kelly
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    Our message is that if you want to change the direction of Pennsylvania - if you want a Republican Party that won't rubber-stamp pay raises and Ed Rendell's agenda - then Bill Scranton is your candidate.

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  • Author Tony Kennedy
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    Let me just preface this agenda item by saying that I recognize very clearly ? and it is no secret ? that Stoneham has a large deficit that it needs to deal with.

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