237 Quotes About Agony

  • Author Catherynne M. Valente
  • Quote

    And the answer is: You are wrong. The Faeries are not gone. But they are no longer what they were. I watched it and did not help them, though I could have. I cheered. I cheered and I wept and I was glad. Perhaps I should not have been. Perhaps laughing at agony is a Fairy's game and I should not have moved my pieces on their board.

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  • Author Aldous Huxley
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    There are confessable agonies, sufferings of which one can positively be proud. Of bereavement, of parting, of the sense of sin and the fear of death the poets have eloquently spoken. They command the world's sympathy. But there are also discreditable anguishes, no less excruciating than the others, but of which the sufferer dare not, cannot speak. The anguish of thwarted desire, for example.

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  • Author E.A. Bucchianeri
  • Quote

    Pray and wait like Our Lord in Gethsemane, that's all he could do, but at least Christ knew the hour, he did not. That would be one of the quiet agonies too, waiting for the metaphorical executioners to come, not knowing when the hour would strike and from quarter they would appear.

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  • Author Jean Racine
  • Quote

    Mourons : de tant d’horreurs qu’un trépas me délivre.Est-ce un malheur si grand que de cesser de vivre ?La mort aux malheureux ne cause point d’effroi :Je ne crains que le nom que je laisse après moi

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  • Author Georgi Gospodinov
  • Quote

    Уличните котки проявяват съвсем друга гордост. Избягват близостта, крият нещастието си, шмугват се в мазетата и под колите. Не разчитат на съжалението ни. Чувал съм, че дори домашните котки, като надушат, че идва последният им час, бягат от къщи или се крият в най-непристъпния ъгъл, за да останат сами в агонията си.

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  • Author Amish Tripathi
  • Quote

    Only an artist can understand the despair of being abandoned by his muse, his lifelong inspiration. Only someone who had loved can know the immeasurable agony of losing the object of one's passion. Only a devout believer who has touched the Divine can know the soul-emptying misery of his Goddess being taken from him.

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