121 Quotes About Aiming

  • Author Mark Shapiro
  • Quote

    Our margins need to be better. Bottom line. Now that we're aiming for the families, we should be dipping into a whole other pool that we've never seen before.

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  • Author Radek Stepanek
  • Quote

    It was a good win but what I am aiming for is a title and not just another semi-final or final.

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  • Author Ric Sperling
  • Quote

    He did what great players do. He put the team on his back, and carried us. We've been aiming for this all season long. We thought we'd have a good chance to win if we were able to score a couple of runs.

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  • Author Richard Smith
  • Quote

    We think that Phil will give our bowling a little more potency and the side a more competitive spirit. We are aiming for steady progress this season.

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  • Author Sarah Soesbee
  • Quote

    I thought we played well. We're having to get used to each other right now. But everyone is playing hard, and I think we'll surprise people with how good we can be. We know everybody we play will be aiming for us and that's fun.

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  • Author Tae Satoya
  • Quote

    I'm disappointed with my performance. I wasn't aiming to put out my best effort because I've gone through a lot (personally) but I wanted to make a strong effort because I love skiing.

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  • Author Thomas Steg
  • Quote

    We realize that some have been interpreting Chirac's remarks as having a direct link to Iran. The German government doesn't see this link. We're convinced that France, Britain and Germany have identical views on how the Iran issue should be resolved, and we're talking about a diplomatic solution. We have no reason to believe that France is aiming to divert from this co-coordinated policy.

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  • Author Jordan Tata
  • Quote

    I was aiming for the corner, and it would end up off the corner. I figured I'd just start it down the middle and let it work to the corner.

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