178 Quotes About Alchemy

  • Author Robin Sacredfire
  • Quote

    There's always an antagonistic personality in any group, simply because life isn't meant to be simple. Our thoughts can be clear, we may know what we want, but life will always show us the duality, simply because that's how things are meant to be. Before a three, there's a two. Before the change, there is the choice. it's just what it is. And yet, the antagonist is often the one we love the most, because that's how his temptation can lead us astray.

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  • Author Matthew Donnelly
  • Quote

    Fear is only the enemy if you let it keep you from moving forward.Put fear on your side and let it motivate you.This is the definition of an alchemist. To turn base metal into gold. Fear into Motivation.

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  • Author Prana Gogia
  • Quote

    To follow our bliss and dive deeply into the mysteries of fragrance, color, and taste; blend with the magnificent diversity of mother nature; and follow the inner signs to become aware of who we really are - is the Alchemy of Ayurvedic Cookery

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  • Author C.G. Jung
  • Quote

    Muselo to tak být, protože alchymisté vůbec nevěděli, o čem vlastně píší. Zda to víme dnes my, nezdá se mi zcela jisté. Buď jak buď, už nevěříme, že tajemství spočívá v chemické látce, ale spíše v jistém temném pozadí psýché, o němž ovšem nevíme, z čeho se vlastně skládá. Bude asi muset opět uběhnout několik staletí, než novou temnotu odkryjeme; vychází z ní to, co nechápeme, a přece to pociťujeme s nejkrajnější jistotou jako něco působivého.

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