215 Quotes About Allah
- Author A. Helwa
As the ninth-century Persian mystic Imam Junaid said, “A Muslim is like the earth; even if impurities are thrown on it, it will blossom into a green pasture.” We are called to be like a date tree, so rooted in the love of God that when people throw stones at you, you reply with fruits that taste sweet. Do not live your life in reaction to what people have done to you, but live your life in gratitude for all that God has done for you.
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- Author A. Helwa
It suddenly became clear to me that the whole purpose of faith is not to be “good enough” before we begin on the path to God, but to come with all our deficiencies to God, knowing that only He can fill in our gaps through His mercy.
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- Author A. Helwa
The hole we carry inside, that we so desperately long to fill, comes from the experience of once being unified with all of existence. After all, how can you long for oneness if you have only ever been a separate body? How can you long for perfection if you have never experienced it? How can you long for an all-encompassing love if you have never tasted it?
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- Author A. Helwa
You do not own yourself to dictate what price you are worthy of being sold. Stop pricing Allah’s merchandise.
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- Author A. Helwa
God gave every single one of us unique abilities and talents, and based on what He gave to us, He will evaluate us. God does not grade us on a curve, He compares us to ourselves. Our work on Earth is to receive and cultivate the gifts given to us by God for the benefit of the entire creation. As Pablo Picasso said, “The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.
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- Author A. Helwa
Just as it takes a baby nine months in the belly of its mother to develop, the moon many nights to become full, and a caterpillar weeks in a cocoon to become a butterfly, through entering the womb of Ramadan and fasting the entire month, our faith transforms.
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- Author Kurban Said
Before you trust your camel to Allah's protection, tie it fast on to your fence.
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- Author علي بن جابر الفيفي
من الذي خدعك وأقنعك أن الشفاء قد يأتي من طريق آخر؟ كيف ضحكَت عليك الحياة بهذه السرعة، ونسيت ذلك الذي أخرجك من بطن أمك دون طبيب؟ وخلق لك في صدرها رزقاً حسناً، وعلّمك وأنت أجهل ما تكون كيف تزم شفتيك على صدرها لترضع؟ أنسيت الذي خلق الرحمة في قلب تلك الإنسانة اتضمّك؟ وتعتني بك؟
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- Author علي بن جابر الفيفي
يقول الحق سبحانه عن نفسه العليّة: (رب المشرق والمغرب لا إله إلا هو فاتخذه وكيلا) يأمرك ربّ المشرق والمغرب أن تتخذه وكيلا، فماذا بعد هذا من راحة وعز وشموخ وضمان للتوفيق؟ فقط يريدك أن تقول بقلبك "أنت وكيلي يا الله
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