174 Quotes About Alzheimers
- Author J. Thomas LaMont
Some older or very ill patients may not be suitable candidates for fecal transfer. Colonoscopy is an invasive procedure, especially for those patients who are too ill with other conditions like cancer, heart failure, dialysis, or Alzheimer’s.
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- Author Sally Magnusson
A nation discovers its truest dignity when it cherishes the dignity of those from whom it has not heard for a very long time.
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- Author V J SMITH
Remember that not all people are diagnosed at an early stage. Decision making already may be different when Alzheimer's disease is diagnosed-WHY YOU MUST URGENTLY PREPARE FOR THE FINANCIAL AND LEGAL CONSEQUENCES OF ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE BARNES ANDNOBLE NOOK BOOK
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- Author Susan Straley
A PET scan of his brain activity showed diminished capacity on the left side of his brain, hence, planning ahead, strategic thinking is harmed. A positive is that he is less critical of things. He has lost language and gained singing... THAT makes for more fun.What amazes me is that so many times he returns and talks and seems to think like he used to. His voice and laugh returns to normal. How can that be???
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- Author Bodo Melnik
Overstimulation of IGF-1-signaling pathways in the brain due to milk consumption could thus accelerate the onset of neurodegenerative disease. IGF-1 passes the blood-brain barrier and reaches the neurons in the brain.
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- Author J.M. Snyder
If ever the day comes when he wakes beside me and my name doesn't come to his lips, when that bewildered look in his eyes doesn't fade away, I'll remember for us both. I won't let him forget the life we built together. I won't let him go.
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- Author Núria Gago
Es una leche es el alzheimer. Porque si a la vez que ellos se olvidan de ti, tú pudieras olvidarte de ellos, pues aún. Pero desde que ella vive sin acordarse de nada, a mí me está pasando lo contrario, me acuerdo el doble, de todo, de cosas que hacía tiempo que tenía olvidadas. Por las noches sobre todo, revivo cosas con ella cuando éramos pequeñas, mías, de nuestros padres. Es como si las historias saltaran de su cabeza a la mía.
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- Author Enrique Serrano
Rebeca había olvidado todo lo que había dicho a sus hijos, pero ellos lo recordaban con tanta precisión que había ocasiones en las que todo parecía como antes y la memoria de los buenos tiempos se hacía nítida y concluyente.
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- Author Pilar Navarro Colorado
Gota a gota, se van las palabras que tanta compañía me han hecho siempre. ¿Adónde? No lo sé. Quiero pensar que viajan hasta el cerebro de un recién nacido, a quien acompañarán hasta su vejez. Porque las palabras no se pueden perder.
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