54 Quotes About Amazement


"Wonder is the beginning of wisdom."


"The simplicity of life never ceases to amaze me, and the many ways we complicate it blows my mind."


"I am still half-asleep. The television is blaring, and I open the door with half-opened eyes.‘Hello,’ I hear a male voice. I open my eyes to look into shining blue eyes. ‘Hi…’ I rub my eyes to stir myself out of my semi-sleep state. Who is this person with sparkling blue eyes?"


"They also never cease to amaze, who never start."


"The cool thing about getting older, is that you have so much to look back on. If you take the time to reflect on your life journey to where you are now, you will be amazed at how many times “fate” caused you to make great decisions that lead you to where you are now."


"The very fact of snow is such an amazement."


"I touch my face, I run my fingers through my hair. This constant amazement: I'm here, I'm alive."


"Вот так сближаешься с людьми, перестаёшь удивляться, как переставал в своё время удивляться путешественник Марко Поло, обойдя Землю, а ведь нельзя не удивляться, иначе и нет смысла пускаться в дальние странствия. Не удивляться можно и дома, у экрана телевизора...Корнелий Иванович Удалов"Глубокоуважаемый микроб"
