54 Quotes About Amazement


"Emotion is always multiplied in the art of a person who doesn't really show much emotion. It once expanded deep within his hidden soul, and following the downplay his audience is blown away."


"He couldn’t believe how lucky he was to have found a girl like her. She may have been the perfect woman for him."


"If a person sees a beehive, and has not seen one previously, he will become bewildered because he does not understand who made it. If he then learns that it is the work of the bee, he will be bewildered again by how this weak creature makes these hexagons, the likes of which a skilled engineer would be unable to make with a compass and ruler."


"Of all the things in the world, I'm particularly amazed at, is the conviction with which the MIND, endorses an Idea, which is phenomenal, as it differentiates the Genius from Mediocre, or not to forget the human stupidity in particular!” "


"Anyone can buy a car or a night on the town. Most of us shell our days like peanuts. One in a thousand can look at the world with amazement. I don't mean gawking at the Chrysler Building. I'm talking about the wing of a dragonfly. The tale of the shoeshine. Walking through an unsullied hour with an unsullied heart."


"They said: 'ajab is the bewilderment that befalls a person because of his failure to understand the cause of something, or to understand the effect of the cause of something upon it [or alternately, upon him]."


"The Prophet, Peace be Upon Him, said, 'Contemplate Allah's creation.' Intelligent contemplation comes only to one who has been bewildered by what is known. . . . For when that has happened, the eye of discernment opens for him, and he sees 'ajab (wonder) in everything."


"How can one stand in a field of red poppies and not want to live forever?"


"The author describes the critic within us as adults as "the selves who live too much in their heads rather than their bodies, who are burdened with too much knowledge about how the world works rather than excited about how it could work or should, who are afraid of being judged and not being loved. Most adults do not live in a world of forgiveness and unconditional love, unless, that is, they have small children."
