44 Quotes About Ambassadors

  • Author Lindy Boggs
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    It has been a privilege beyond belief for me to have represented the State of Louisiana in Congress and to have been given the blessed assignment of U.S. Ambassador to the Holy See.

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  • Author Shelley Berkley
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    An ambassador for peace, Pope John Paul II stood steadfast against communism and condemned discrimination against all people.

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  • Author Ally Carter
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    Ambassador Winters, allow me to introduce my aunt Abby and her....boyfriend.' Townsed tensed. Abby glared. And Rebecca Baxter looked like she was going to choke on her chewing gum.

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  • Author Jackie Chan
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    I am the Olympic Ambassador. I always promote Olympics. I just want to say, Olympics is Olympics. [You] cannot mix with politics. Olympics for me is love, peace, [being] united.

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  • Author Jackie Chan
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    More understand China, then more people will have interest in China and more people will come to China to visit us because I am a tourist ambassador.

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  • Author William Cowper
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    He that negotiates between God and man, As God's ambassador, the grand concerns Of judgment and of mercy, should beware Of lightness in his speech.

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