1,000 Quotes About Angel
- Author Human Angels
To forgive others, in order to forgive ourselves, because in their roles as our mirrors, they have been nothing other than a tool to our lack of self-love, a lack of self-recognition, and a lack of self-respect.
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- Author Human Angels
When we recognize that our personal good coincides with the Good of everyone, our inner light is turned on: at this point, when a human being becomes a Human Angel, their light, like a beacon, shines all around.The more lights are lit, the more humanity will be enlightened in these dark times, when the world of the ego, driven to its extreme, has begun its dramatic collapse.
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- Author Human Angels
When we surrender completely to our Higher Self and we remember that we are Divine Beings, that we are Human Angels, the illusion of having limits vanishes and everything, including miracles, becomes possible in the name of Love.
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- Author Human Angels
You are never alone,your Angels always whisper to your heart.By silencing your mind,you can be filled with their Love.
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- Author Human Angels
Human Angels are beacons that simply being who they are, illuminate the darkness, to help those who are still on the path to stay the course.
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- Author Human Angels
Human Angels are souls who have chosen to be born now on this planet to awaken themselves and humanity to Unconditional Love and Awareness of the Oneness.
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- Author Human Angels
It takes more courage to be yourself than to live in the prison of ego with feelings of guilt. It takes a lot more courage to be happy than to be unhappy.
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- Author Human Angels
Your partner is your deepest mirror: do not expect them to change. Healing yourself, you heal your relationship.
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- Author Human Angels
Only through forgiving can we understand that there is nothing and no one to forgive. And that we too, if we have hurt someone, have been for them, nothing more than an instrument of Love in the same way they have been for us. In the Oneness there is no separation, no judgment, and everything happens in Divine Perfection.
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