47 Quotes About Anger-and-attitude

  • Author Lyz Lenz
  • Quote

    We speak of men and their rage as if it I laudable. "Men just get mad and push each other and it's over", we say. "Women are just bitches; they never let it go." That's because we never can let it go. Because where would we put it? What system? What faith? What institution has room? Has patience? Has understanding for an angry woman?

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  • Author Olive Rose Steele
  • Quote

    Let me tell you what I mean when I mention ‘stuff.’ Stuff is physical and metaphysical; it is the mental clutter in our heads and the physical clutter around us; it is relationships, good and bad; it is negativity, ours and others’; it is bad attitude, ours and others’; it is prejudice born of hurt, malice or belief system; it is ‘baggage’ from our past that we lug around in life.

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