79 Quotes About Animal-liberation
- Author Lisa Kemmerer
Diet–a choice we make every day, several times a day-determines the size of our environmental footprint.
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- Author Peter Singer
Factory farm animals cannot walk, run, stretch freely, or be part of a family or herd. True, many wild animals die from adverse conditions or are killed by predators; but animals kept in farms do not live for more than a fraction of their normal life span either. [The factory farm] deprives animals of their most basic natural activity, the search for food. The result is a life of utter boredom, with nothing at all to do but lie in a stall and eat.
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- Author Lisa Kemmerer
Religious people tend to be unaware that chewing on a chicken’s body purchased at a grocery store contradicts the core religious ideals of every major religious tradition. Still other religious people do not take their religious commitment seriously and therefore do not care one way or the other about anymal suffering and slaughter.
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- Author Lisa Kemmerer
This book is about what religions teach, not about what religious people believe or how they live. There is often shamefully little correlation between the two.
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- Author Lisa Kemmerer
Similarly, vivisection is a selfish exploitation of other creatures—nonhumans are not here to live and die on behalf of our hopes.
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- Author Lisa Kemmerer
Anymal liberationists do not target life—they target industries (and profits) that flourish at the expense of life—and they attempt to rescue the exploited. Terrorists kill randomly; anymal liberationists have never killed anyone. Anymal liberationists exemplify what it is to live into the core teachings of every major religion concerning rightful relations between human beings and anymals.
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- Author Mango Wodzak
So let me get this straight, you are telling me it's a harsh world, and using this as an excuse to add more to that harshness?
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- Author Peter Singer
Human beings have the power to continue to oppress other species forever, or until we make this planet unsuitable for living beings. Will our tyranny continue...? Or will we rise to the challenge and prove our capacity for genuine altruism by ending the ruthless exploitation of the species in our power, not because we are forced to do so by rebels and terrorists, but because we recognize that our position is morally indefensible?
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- Author Steven Best
İnsancı ve şiddet içermeyen bir ütopya, toplum diğer hayvanları eşitliğe dahil etmedikçe ve onlara doğru adil ve eşit bir davranış geliştirmedikçe gene şiddet dolu bir karşı ütopya ve bir ikiyüzlülük olarak kalacak. İnsancı demokrasi türcü bir ikiyüzlülüktür. İnsancılık büyük bir kabileciliktir.
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