29 Quotes About Annihilation

  • Author Conrad Aiken
  • Quote

    Here too was the terrifying fixed curve of the infinite, the creeping curve of logic which at least must become the final signpost at the edge of nothing. After that - the deluge. The great white light of annihilation. The bright flash of death... ("Mr. Arcularis")

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  • Author Laurence Galian
  • Quote

    Allah does not always open Its Jamal. The Murid's assignment is to unite the Jalal and the Jamal. These two are projected from, and absorbed back into, the black nothingness called Allah's Kamal - a state of invisible, neuter, annihilation. Jalal is Allah's power, force and strength. It often manifests as trials and tests for the Murid. Jamal is Allah's sweetness, compassion, understanding, and forgiveness. Kamal is the whispered breath of nonexistence.

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  • Author Jeff VanderMeer
  • Quote

    A ghost bird might be a hawk in one place, a crow in another, depending on the context. The sparrow that shot up into the blue sky one morning might transform mid-flight into an osprey the next. This was the way of things here. There were no reasons so mighty that they could override the desire to be in accord with the tides and the passage of seasons and the rhythms underlying everything around me.

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