89 Quotes About Apologies

  • Author Randy Pausch
  • Quote

    If other people owe you an apology, and your words of apology to them are proper and heartfelt, you still may not hear from them for a while. After all, what are the odds that they get to the right emotional place to apologize at the exact moment you do? So just be patient. Many times in my career, I saw students apologize, and then several days later, their teammates came around. Your patience will be both appreciated and rewarded.

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  • Author Beth Goobie
  • Quote

    He wasn’t even going to get them to apologize to you!” Kara fumed. “He was just going to ignore you, like you weren’t hardly even involved. But you told him, Maddy! You told him just fine!” “Yeah?” asked Maddy, glancing at her. “Yeah,” said Kara, her voice punching the air.

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