89 Quotes About Apologies


"She'd never mastered the talent for apologizing, but she appreciated it in other people."


"I will not say I am sorry, but I can tell you that I grieve."


"How do you know when an apology is true—when it means something, or can change something, or will last outside the moment?"


"If you don’t know why you’re apologizing, your apology probably sucks."


"The idea we came up with, well before we left, was something we coined Performance Literature. Excuse the use of that second word, because I realize it's presumptuous. Also, excuse the first word, and the term in general."


"Charles realized that if he were going to apologize to Chrestomanci, he had better do it at once. He turned around to say it. But the folds had already rippled flat and nothing was the same anymore...."


"I exhaust my body throughout the day, And I don’t get enough sleep at night.I swallow the words I have to say,And let my thoughts fuck up my peace of mind.In a matter of fact; I’ve been the one who tired me the most and I do owe myself many apologies …"


"Liars are highly unlikely to admit their lies, never mind apologize for the hurt they’ve caused. Liars don’t genuinely apologize. Deceit has become their full-out lifestyle. They are centered on themselves with no thoughts of the consequences of their lies. In cowardly style, they tell more lies to try and cover their tracks. They are not good at admitting they actually have shortcomings."


"Apologies require taking full responsibility. No half-truths, no partial admissions, no rationalizations, no finger pointing, and no justifications belong in any apology."
