164 Quotes About Appearances
- Author Abby Niles
A thoughtful expression crossed the woman’s damp face. “I used to beat myself up over my body. What woman doesn’t?” She paused, as if thinking about her words. “I finally decided I’d had enough. It was time to believe in me, without shame. I still slip up and have doubts. But for the most part, I take pride in who I am.
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- Author Sarah Palin
Here's an example of how it wastes some time. To be judged on or to be talked about on appearance—say chest size—it makes me wear layers, it makes me have to waste time figuring out what am I going to wear so that nobody will look in an area that I don't need them to look at.
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- Author Eve Babitz
Women want to be loved like roses. They spend hours perfecting their eyebrows and toes and inventing irresistible curls that fall by accident down the back of their necks from otherwise austere hair-dos. They want their lover to remember the way they held a glass. They want to haunt.
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- Author Marty Rubin
No one looks in a mirror to see a mirror.
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- Author Madame de La Fayette
If you judge from appearances here,' replied Madame de Chartres, 'you will be often mistaken; what appears is seldom the truth.
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- Author Oscar Wilde
None of us men do look what we really are. Demmed good thing, too.
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- Author Wendell Berry
a woman in a tailored suit is sitting with a legal pad on her lap. . . . The businesswoman is austerely tailored and coiffured; her eye-glasses are severe. . . . her taste and bearing are splendid. She is impeccable.
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- Author Primo Levi
A good prospector, a serious one, who does not want to tell lies either to others or himself, should not trust in appearances, because this rock, which seems dead, is in fact full of deception: sometimes it changes its nature even while you’re digging, likes certain snakes change color so you won’t see them.
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- Author Luvvie Ajayi
Why try to change who you were born to be and force yourself into who you think everyone will find more beautiful? Society has failed people to the point where they feel they cannot like themselves in the skin they were born in.
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