1,741 Quotes About Appreciate

  • Author Bill Zollars
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    I appreciate the confidence of the board, and I look forward to continue leading the company and having the opportunity to enhance shareholder value.

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  • Author Kevin Zegers
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    I definitely learned to appreciate there is something about looking good. I think it's been sort of lost in the last 50 years, this idea of looking very nice and very put together.

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  • Author A-Trak
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    My ears are open to all sorts of stuff. I appreciate some of the big electro house guys.I love their music but I also like a lot of the stuff coming out of the U.K. Future garage stuff. A lot of stuff like that.

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  • Author A.C. Newman
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    For the longest time, I was just playing music and not really expecting any success - just kind of doing it because I liked doing it. While doing that, I went on a lot of shitty tours, playing to nobody, so I think it makes me appreciate it. Our band the New Pornographers have been popular for a few years now, but it still shocks me. I remember thinking we were hugely popular when we sold 15,000 records, and now this one sold 30,000 in two weeks. I'm grateful for the whole thing.

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  • Author Abbas Kiarostami
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    I remember when I came out of an exam thinking I had done well and then I had a clue that maybe one answer was wrong, I remembered that I rather stop knowing, stop thinking about it, appreciating life instead. So first, it was just a memory. But then I realized that in life, it's a much more general sentiment - that instead of waiting for other people's judgment, I'd rather focus on my own feelings, that everything is fine. To go on with my life rather than anticipating other people's judgements that might be negative.

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