63 Quotes About Archaeology
- Author Graham Hancock
On 16 January 2002 India's Minister of Science and Technology released the first results of carbon-dating of the artefacts from the flooded cities of the Gulf of Cambay. The results date the artifacts to 9500 years ago -- 5000 years older than any city so far recognized by archaeologists.
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- Author Donald P Ryan
Boundaries?”Heyerdahl provocatively asked. “I have never seen one, but I hear they exist in the minds of most people.
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- Author Zane Grey
Armies of marching men told of that blight of nations old or young—war. These, and birds unnamable, and beasts unclassable, with dots and marks and hieroglyphics, recorded the history of a bygone people. Symbols they were of an era that had gone into the dim past, leaving only these marks, {Symbols recording the history of a bygone people.} forever unintelligible; yet while they stood, century after century, ineffaceable, reminders of the glory, the mystery, the sadness of life.
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- Author Graham Hancock
Kramer's recognition, with the geologists Lees and Falcon, that people could have settled in the fertile valley between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers much earlier than had previously been assumed has been entirely vindicated by subsequent discoveries of the traces of 'primitive agricultural villages' dating back more than 8000 years.
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- Author Russell Lord The Care of the Earth
Biological evidence indicates that man, evolving with his food plants, developed horticulture and agriculture in both hemispheres at a time which may well have reached far back into the Pleistocene.
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- Author Russell Lord
In Scandanavia, 'Iverson finds that the whole spectrum of pollen deposits is altered when (in early Neolithic times) ... the first farmers appear. Cereal pollens increase. Plants of oak woodland lessen and disappear; birch pollen increases rapidly -- it is one of the trees which can come in after an extensive burn. For the pollen record, the effect of early agriculture is as severe as a shift in climate.
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- Author Vernor Vinge
Programming went back to the beginning of time. It was a little like the midden out back of his father's castle.
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- Author Samuel Noah Kramer
Archaeological discoveries made in Egypt and in the Near East in the past hundred years have opened our eyes to a spiritual and cultural heritage undreamed of by earlier generations.
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- Author Jasper Fforde
La seguii, e constatai che quello scavo era di natura archeologica. Dei pioli conficcati nel terreno erano collegati da una cordicella, per delimitare l’area in cui quei volontarii picconavano il suolo, cercando di fare meno rumore possibile.
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