63 Quotes About Archer
- Author Rachel Hawkins
- De acuerdo, chicos, ¿os sentís protegidos?- Yo sí-dijo Archer-. También me siento como si alguien se hubiese propasado conmigo, pero eso no tiene nada que ver.
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- Author Cissie King-Jones Peter David
I bet you were all only children, or felt isolated, or busy “training” and stuff. I bet none of you can lay claim to knowing what a normal teen life is supposed to be! Geez, you’re so judgmental, I wanna puke!
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- Author Shinjirō
People are toys. Lives are stories. There is no greater amusement.
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- Author Charles Baudelaire
The poet is like the prince of clouds Who haunts the tempest and laughs at the archer; Exiled on the ground in the midst of jeers, His giant wings prevent him from walking.
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- Author Charles Baudelaire
The Poet is a kinsman in the clouds Who scoffs at archers, loves a stormy day; But on the ground, among the hooting crowds, He cannot walk, his wings are in the way.
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- Author Georg Cantor
My theory stands as firm as a rock; every arrow directed against it will return quickly to its archer. How do I know this? Because I have studied it from all sides for many years; because I have examined all objections which have ever been made against the infinite numbers; and above all because I have followed its roots, so to speak, to the first infallible cause of all created things.
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- Author George Chapman
Archers ever Have two strings to bow; and shall great Cupid (Archer of archers both in men and women), Be worse provided than a common archer?
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- Author Geena Davis
Archers are pretty focused.
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- Author George Eliot
Things are achieved when they are well begun. The perfect archer calls the deer his own While yet the shaft is whistling.
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