461 Quotes About Argue
"She'd just be more satisfied if my happiness aligned with her point of view."
"Be quick to resolve conflicts before they mature to become wars. The energetic crocodile was once a delicate egg!"
"When you argue with verve in your saddlebags, you are extremely alive. That is why you yell and holler and shake your fist — could there be anything sweeter than convincing someone to see the world your way? What else is talking for, or jokes, or stories, or battles? The Loudest Magic, and how I loved it."
"I will no longer argue with the senseless and unreasonable; for they are void of reason and common sense."
"Mostly, people who do not love “change” always go into disagreement when it is suggested. The worst part of the matter that sends their neck veins bulging in vengeance is when that change for progress was meant and would need to affect their position!"