76 Quotes About Armageddon


"This was especially true in some millennialist sects that filled their literature with paintings of Armageddon. Pictures of terrified people running away from some formless fiery doom that burned their world down behind them, while smug worshipers—of the correct religion, of course—watched from safety as God got with the smiting."


"A little while, their hunger unfulfilled,The mothlike worlds flit 'round the guttering sun.("Ephemera")"


"Never a good sign, he thought, when the crows showed up."


"As the horde of ancient and mythical creatures impossibly descends upon you and dragonfire envelopes the land, you are forced to concede that it’s probably the very coolest way that you could die."


"Sorry, there’s just not enough mead to go around."


"Oh, one more thing,' Thor calls out. 'If I know my prophecy, and I do, you beautiful ladies had best start looking for a boat!"


"Zombies are not just fictional creatures that devour the flesh of the living. They also include those who follow the words of others without thinking for themselves. This world is falling apart. I don’t think anyone can disagree with that. People live in their twenty-mile-radius realities and don’t notice the world happening around them, until it finally breaks down their front door."


"If there was Armageddon tomorrow? Well, then all those school-goers would be the unschooled and I’d be in my element. Survival is all about circumstances and who’s prepared for the current situation"


"You are one of the unfortunate ones whose body decays rapidly in the face of radiation poisoning. You hang your head over the toilet to vomit again and again, and die praying to the porcelain gods."
