1,014 Quotes About Army

  • Author Rhys Darby
  • Quote

    Then the Sergeant major pointed me out and said something that has stuck with me until this day. He said:'You are very silent aren't you Darby? There is something about the look in your eyes. You're either very smart of very stupid.'I smiled at this statement, trying hard not to give away which category I fitted into. In the many years that have followed since being questioned in that way I have often wondered myself whether I'd very smart or very stupid. Is it possible to be both?

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  • Author Clair Kenamore
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    A halt was called, and the men threw themselves prostrate on the road without loosening their packs. At that moment, the outfit badly needed a 'pick-me-up,' and it came.'Listen!' said the sergeant.Through the cloud and the mournful wind we heard the thunder of our guns — the French 75s. They were talking to us.

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  • Author Gen. Walton Walker
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    A retreat to Pusan would be one of the greatest bloodbaths in American history. We must fight until the end…. If some of us must die, we will die fighting together. Any man who gives ground may be personally responsible for the death of hundreds of thousands of his comrades. I want everybody to understand that we are going to hold this line. We are going to win.

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  • Author Don Wilson
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    This book is the result of the declassification of CSE. I am proud and privileged to make public the remarkable story of these hitherto hidden heroes and their veiled world of secret service to our nation. Your appreciation and thanks are worth more than all the medals and promotions we in CSE received. Never forget them. They didn’t just serve, their deeds made them heroes.

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  • Author Joseph Roth
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    In no time, the platoon were on their feet in front of him, formed up into two ranks, and it struck him suddenly, and probably for the first time in his military career, that these men with their drilled precision were dead parts of dead machines that didn't produce anything.

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  • Author James S.A. Corey
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    How long has it been since a woman was in charge of the armed forces? Not since I came here. So instead, we wind up with another example of what happens to policy when there's too much testosterone in the room.

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