1,014 Quotes About Army

  • Author Ambrose Bierce
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    ARMY, n. A class of non-producers who defend the nation by devouring everything likely to tempt an enemy to invade.

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  • Author Ebulfez Elchibey
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    Remember we Azeris had barely a single general. But I was the one who got the Russian army out of our country.Remember, I talked in Turkish through a translator to Yeltsin, not in Russian, something that was never done before. Yeltsin once hit his spoon on Akayev's head, but I refused to let them do such things to me.

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  • Author J.R.Nyquist
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    Most battles are decided when one side or the other loses heart. Armies and nations do not typically fight to the last man. They fight until their faith gives out. And this is what we must fortify against. It is time to inwardly prepare because a great test lies in front of us. If we fail that test there is no second chance. There is no opportunity to go back.

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  • Author Mario Vargas Llosa
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    But remember, the first thing you learn in the army is to be a man. And what do men do? They smoke, they drink, they gamble, they fuck. The cadets all know they get expelled of they're discovered. IF, Gamboa. We've already expelled quite a few. But the smart ones don't get caught. If they're going to be men, they have to take chances, they have to use their wits. That's the way the army is. Discipline isn't enough. You've got to have guts, and you've also got to have brains.

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  • Author Sebastien de Castell
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    You can’t do this,’ I said, though I had nothing whatsoever to back up my statement.‘Why not? I seem to have an army behind me.’‘We have a Saint,’ Brasti said, pointing at Kest.‘Your Saint seems to be unconscious,’ the Duke replied.

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  • Author Colonel Dağ
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    Avoid the attitude 'these people (locals) don't understand anything.' Trying to base one's authority on pressure and fear may be effective in the short term, but this is deceptive. Don't forget that to be smiling and kind is not the same as being weak and undisciplined.

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  • Author Manuel Chaves Nogales
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    Muchos de los oficiales que habían tomado parte en la Gran Guerra habían ido ascendiendo automáticamente sin que hubiesen vuelto a preocuparse de las evoluciones que el arte militar hubiese podido experimentar en los últimos veinte años.

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