478 Quotes About Arts


"For three decades the Harold & Mimi Steinberg Charitable Trust has been a fervent supporter of the American playwright. It is vital that we continue to support those writers who relate the ongoing American saga for the stage. This award brings the appropriate recognition to the important role the playwright serves in American Arts & Letters."


"By and large, it's easier for males to get into liberal arts colleges than it is for females."


"We've been thinking a lot about inspiration. We wanted to see if the processes involved with creating visual arts and writing songs could come together in one place."


"We're not into going into the political part of this. It's for the benefit of everybody to have an arts center for the neighborhood."


"The mission of the Anglo-Saxon has been largely that of the soldier; but the world is making progress, we are leaving behind the barbarism of war; as civilization advances, it will learn less of war, and concern itself more with the arts of peace, and for these the massive battle-ax must be wrought into tools of finer temper."


"We would like to thank all the people who made it possible for us to go and compete. We couldn't do this without the donations from the Wilson community. It really proves that there is a strong support for the arts here."


"He is not only an immensely talented and versatile performer, but also someone who has given a great deal of himself to the university and especially to the vitality of the arts at Harvard,"


"We will also have a school of dance, ... That will be part of our performing arts department and they will teach ballet, tap and Tiger tumbling. That will be tumbling gymnastics."


"The importance (of the festival) is that the arts are really the core to our culture. Everything revolves around the arts and some of the research now in education is showing very clearly that the arts are really core to that. That you can do so much more with the arts: developing the brain, developing connections in the brain, developing how people learn, how children learn."
