103 Quotes About Assertiveness

  • Author Elizabeth Wurtzel
  • Quote

    All the backpedaling and backstepping that goes on with powerful women today, with Hillary Clinton saying she could have stayed home and baked cookies and blah blah blah, and then offending everybody so that she had to say that she does, in fact, *love* to make cookies, loves it almost as much as she likes to trade agricultural futures. I mean, what is that about? All this I'm really a lady, I'm really a nice girl crap- who needs it? It really is nothing more than surrender.

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  • Author David Barksdale
  • Quote

    No matter how much the soul undergoes stomaching in their specific, destructive sufferings, which triggers, a more abrupt rewritten control for their comfortable state of reality. Now could that exposed authoritarianism from within, prove from beyond a doubt, that your longed comforts, makes you more bountiful today, than recognizing what you had undeniably and unquestionably risked losing in the past, earlier some time ago?

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