243 Quotes About Assessment
- Author Tom Wallin
By providing an immediate, daily assessment of global arbitrage opportunities, LNG Intelligence's special netback table gives readers unique perspective on the forces driving this rapidly growing business. This table is a key feature of the publication and an example of the benefits of the collaboration between the two companies.
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- Author Valerie Whittlesey
An essential component of the development and implementation is assessment of the impact of the QEP. This assessment consists of two parts, demonstrating completion of initiatives planned and demonstrating increases in student learning as a result of the QEP.
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- Author Pope Benedict XVI
Humanity today is rightly concerned about the ecological balance of tomorrow. It is important for assessments in this regard to be carried out prudently, in dialogue with experts and people of wisdom, uninhibited by ideological pressure to draw hasty conclusions, and above all with the aim of reaching agreement on a model of sustainable development capable of ensuring the well-being of all while respecting environmental balances.
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- Author Martin Yokosawa
With oil prices at these levels and without a clear assessment of how deep and lasting the impact of Hurricane Katrina will be on the U.S. economy, investors are likely to be defensive in regards to stocks.
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- Author Mark Yates
We made it clear that there really needs to be a ... substantial improvement in the communication between treating doctors and the doctors ... who are performing assessment on behalf of the department.
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- Author Mike Young
The market is finally realizing that the earnings in these tech sectors have cyclical sensitivity - and the risks in the business cycles both in the United States and Europe are going up. Our latest assessment is that even at current levels the sector could still be 15 to 20 percent overvalued.
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- Author Pan Yue
The right way to stop improper industrial distribution is to ensure environmental impact assessment for newly launched projects and promote it in policy-making.
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- Author Gennady Zyuganov
change its course and give an honest assessment of the state of the nation.
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- Author Phil Zepeda
Our food bank in New Orleans is completely inaccessible, so the staff that works there isn't even able to do some damage assessment to find out what's there.
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