243 Quotes About Assessment
- Author Sherry Cooper
Recall the Fed's assessment following the (Federal Open Market Committee) meeting on Aug. 24, that the dual summertime rate hikes 'should markedly diminish the risk of inflation going forward,' ... This call is looking more tenuous with every passing day.
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- Author Susan Collins
I must say, I don't know how you could make that judgment, when the TSA (Transportation Security Administration) has not made a risk assessment
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- Author Tony Crescenzi
The refunding results show that the market's assessment of underlying (economic) fundamentals is that they are still bearish. Therefore, the market's overall downward trend is intact.
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- Author Chuck D.
failed to give the American people a realistic assessment of where we stand today, and where we should be going.
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- Author Etienne Davignon
does its best assessment of who are the bright new boys or girls in the beginning phase of their career who would like to get known.
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- Author Everett Dirksen
It is rather tragic, as I look back upon legislative history for the past 20 years, that there has not been more appraisal, that there has not been more careful assessment of the things which we have set in motion in the legislative branch. That is one particular reason why I think there ought to be an automatic time limit.
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- Author Gregory Davis
That's something that hasn't happened before. Up to this point, the focus has been collecting and reporting WASL (Washington Assessment of Student Learning) scores, so folks know what the schools in the neighborhood are producing.
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- Author John Drew
I think the assessment of not completing projects on time has some validity to it.
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- Author Lawrence DiRita
I would expect fully that he will come back and give an assessment of where he thinks he is. I don't know, I simply don't, whether that will include his recommendation on the way ahead.
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