49 Quotes About Assumes

  • Author Patrick Byrne
  • Quote

    Everyone always assumes that this is all about Overstock, but it isn't. It's about Gradient.

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  • Author Rachel Bronson
  • Quote

    To get to 6 million barrels a day will require $30 billion to $40 billion in investment, and it assumes a bull market for oil. If you just start doubling production, but demand stays the same, that's wasteful.

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  • Author Sathya Baba
  • Quote

    From the narrow vision of 'individual need', man must voyage out into the broad vision of the 'Universal'. When a drop of water falls into the Ocean, it loses its narrow individuality, its name and form, and assumes the form, name and taste of the Ocean itself. If it seeks to live separately as a 'drop', it will soon evaporate and be reduced to non-existence.

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  • Author Brian Clapp
  • Quote

    People tend to fall into two camps. One assumes the worst. They're going to cut back all of their spending to the point of saying, 'I'm not going to eat lunch tomorrow.' The other is, 'This is great! I've got a windfall! I'll take the next two months off!

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  • Author John Coffee
  • Quote

    There has to be something that we don't know. To simply explain that they're doing this to avoid litigation assumes that they'd be willing to throw money down a rat hole.

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  • Author Jane Fonda
  • Quote

    If you dont have a parent or an adult, a teacher or a mentor really see you, really love you, 'Yes, there are things you do I dont like, but youre fantastic, youre good enough. I love you.' If that never happens to a child, the child assumes its her fault and tries to compensate for it,

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  • Author Paul Fisher
  • Quote

    After therapy for cancer, society often assumes that children can get back to life as before, but this is simply wrong,

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  • Author Richard P. Feynman
  • Quote

    Often one postulates that a priori, all states are equally probable. This is not true in the world as we see it. This world is not correctly described by the physics which assumes this postulate.

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  • Author Robert M. La Follette
  • Quote

    Before the war is ended, the war party assumes the divine right to denounce and silence all opposition to war as unpatriotic and cowardly.

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