148 Quotes About Astronaut

  • Author Tom Wolfe
  • Quote

    The congressmen in the room just wanted to see them, to use their position to arrange a personal audience, to gaze upon them with their own eyes across the committee table, no more than four feet away, to shake hands with them, occupy the same space on this earth with them for and hour or so, fawn over them, pay homage to them, bathe in their magical aura, feel the radiation of their righteous stuff, salute them, wish upon them the smile of God...

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  • Author Atia Abawi
  • Quote

    Many people at that time thought that physics wasn't a good subject for women to study. They thought women couldn't handle it, and some people at Stanford agreed. One male professor is said to have stood up and declared, "What are these girls doing here? You are taking jobs away from men!" But Sally persisted, because she knew what she wanted. She had been raised to believe she could do anything a man could do.

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