59 Quotes About Atom


"Nothing exists without an atom. The atom is the beginning and the end. It carries all the information. So the atom is God and everything else are just disciples."


"I found God, he lives in an atom."


"As I regard physics and psychology as complementary types of examination, I am certain that there is an equally valid way that must lead the psychologist 'from behind' (namely, through investigating the archetypes) into the world of physics. As an example of background physics, I shall discuss a motif that occurs regularly in my dreams - namely, fine structure, in particular doublet structure of spectral lines and the separation of a chemical element into two isotopes."


"My God, what a sensation to be an atom in the scheme of such grandiosity. The allurement, the jazz, and the physics of it all . . ."


"The atom of science is math, the nucleus is zero, the electron is one"


"We, the atom and I, have been on friendly terms, until recently. I saw in it the key to the deepest secrets of Nature, and it revealed to me the greatness of creation and the Creator."


"What happens when the hitcher and the driver are equally murderous?"
