59 Quotes About Atom
"If any atom of your body was gradually replaced by a new one, would you still be the same person? Or, to put it another way, if all the atoms in your body were gradually thrown out of your body, and then all these atoms were assembled in the new system to construct an artificial devise -- a 'humanoid robot', what would distinguish you, at an earlier time, from this robot, at a later time? To understand your personal identity over time, think over these questions above."
"I want to build a billion tiny factories, models of each other, which are manufacturing simultaneously… The principles of physics, as far as I can see, do not speak against the possibility of maneuvering things atom by atom. It is not an attempt to violate any laws; it is something, in principle, that can be done; but in practice, it has not been done because we are too big."
"The almighty God is a simple invisible atom."
"If each atom of an object is vibrating, the whole object can said to be vibrating, even if we don’t see it in a state of movement."
"Vsa masa je zbrana v jedru atoma, med menuet plešočimi elektroni na orbitalah pa je vsemirska praznina, je ideja, je večna energija, je duša. Pletilja je nekje slišala podatek, da bi vsa atomska jedra, ki so na Zemlji, lahko spravili v naprstnik (imel bi Zemljino težo!). Kako velika je duša in kako težko je telo!"