56 Quotes About Auschwitz

  • Author Antonio G. Iturbe
  • Quote

    E adevărat: cultura nu este necesară pentru supraviețuirea omului, necesare sunt doar pâinea și apa. Este adevărat că omul supraviețuiește dacă are pâine să mănânce și apă să bea, dar mulțumindu-se doar cu atât moare întreaga omenire.

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  • Author Jack Fairweather
  • Quote

    The camp [Auschwitz] had already developed nicknames for those on the edge of starvation: cripples, derelicts, jewels, but the most common was "Musselmänner," or "Muslims," seemingly in reference to how they rocked back and forth in their weakness as if in prayer.

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  • Author Igor Bartosik
  • Quote

    [Authors]: ¿Comó ve usted el mundo de hoy?[Henryk Mandelbaum]: Lo veo mal. Y no se trata de mí, sino de las generaciones venideras. Los dirigentes del mundo entero deberían sentarse al rededor de una gran mesa y deberían ponerse, por fin, de acuerdo. ¿Acaso una persona normal necesita tanques, aviones o misiles? Y todo eso cuesta dinero. Apenas pasan unos cuantos años y todos se quedan anticuados y es necesario sustituirlos por otros nuevos. Las guerras y el terrorismo no solucionan nada.

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  • Author Marcelo Figueras
  • Quote

    I remember that one Holy Week, the magazine I got every Thursday, Anteojito, came with a free poster depicting the Stations of the Cross. I burned the poster and flushed the ashes down the toilet to dispose of the evidence. The idea that I was supposed to pin this graphic depiction of torture and death on my wall seemed to me as obscene as if someone had suggested decorating my room with pictures of the inner workings of Auschwitz.

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  • Author Elie Wiesel
  • Quote

    It was at Auschwitz that human beings underwent their first mutations. Without Auschwitz, there would have been no Hiroshima. Or genocide in Africa. Or attempts to dehumanize man by reducing him to a number, an object: it was at Auschwitz that the methods to be used were conceived, catalogued, and perfected. It was at Auschwitz that men mutilated and gambled with the future. The despair begotten at Auschwitz will linger for generations.

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