366 Quotes About Authentic
- Author Ora Nadrich
At one point in our lives, we’re going to have to acceptthat we’re not put on this earth just to take care of our ownneeds.
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- Author Ora Nadrich
My thoughts create my realityI choose positive thoughts to create my realityI am creating the reality I want
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- Author Ora Nadrich
But the thing to remember about our “awakening” isthat it’s a daily process. Just like how our car’s windshieldgets dirty each day, and we use our windshield wipers toclean it, you too have to do a thorough sweep of yourselfto find out what’s dirtying or obstructing your reality.
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- Author Ora Nadrich
The absolute magnificence of being who we are in thepresent is that it really can be different than any other timebefore it, and will be different than any other time after it, soright now is when we can decide how we want our destinyto unfold from this moment onward.
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- Author Ora Nadrich
But know that self-realization is the ultimate inside job, and anyone who has the belief, strength, stamina, and sheer determination to become who they really are, and be willing to strip away every single peace of false clothing, which is much more than what we wear, but the layers uponlayers of the artificial, inauthentic self, and the illusionary thoughts that fill our minds, only then will the egg of illusion crack open.
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- Author Ora Nadrich
The land of oneness lives in your heart, and has been waiting for you to return to it for a very long time. It was patient, and unconditional in its love for you, and knew that you had many steps to walk, many marathons torun, and a long, difficult voyage on the vast sea of your destiny before you got here, and you did.
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- Author Ora Nadrich
You decide. You are the author, but you are much morethan that. You are the teacher, the leader, the guru, and thecreator of all that lives in your reality. So, what do you wantthat reality to be?
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- Author Ora Nadrich
You are a part of the great “cosmic creation” which is always in process, as are you. So, be kind, be compassionate, and be present in your discovery of “self.
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- Author Ora Nadrich
I am myselfI do as I knowI know what is trueI live as my authentic self
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