124 Quotes About Authoritarianism
- Author Patricia Roberts-Miller
Partisans will try to appeal to the notion that political arguments are really about which group is better in order to dismiss criticism of their group. We might think that we can refute criticism by pointing out that 'the other party does the same thing too.' But whether the other party does it too is relevant only if we're arguing about which party is better, not which policies are better.
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- Author George Orwell
I hate purity, I hate goodness, I don't want any virtue to exist anywhere. I want everyone to be corrupt to the bones.
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- Author John W. Dean
Social conservatism and neoconservatism have revived authoritarian conservatism, and not for the better of conservatism or American democracy. True conservatism is cautious and prudent. Authoritarianism is rash and radical. American democracy has benefited from true conservatism, but authoritarianism offers potentially serious trouble for any democracy.
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- Author George Orwell
The real division is not between conservatives and revolutionaries but between authoritarians and libertarians.
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- Author Terry Eagleton
The liberal state has no view on whether witchcraft is more valuable than all-in wrestling. Like a tactful publican, it has as few opinions as possible. Many liberals suspect passionate convictions are latently authoritarian. But liberalism should surely be a passionate conviction. Liberals are not necessarily lukewarm. Only the more macho leftist suspects that they have no balls. You can be ardently neutral, and fiercely indifferent.
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- Author Abhaidev
Yes, he is stubborn indeed, and people often accuse him of being a fascist with utter disregard for the idea of democracy. But if a leader wouldn’t be resolute, authoritative, forceful and unflinching while making tough decisions, then who would be?
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- Author Yuval Noah Harari
Putin's Russia lacks a universal ideology. During the Cold War the USSR relied on the global appeal of communism as much as on the global reach of the Red Army. Putinism, in contrast, has little to offer Cubans, Vietnamese or French intellectuals. Authoritarian nationalism may indeed be spreading in the world, but by its very nature it is not conductive to the establishment of cohesive international blocs.
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- Author Dixon Reuel
They wore full-coverage raid suits, thick-filtered helmets, their gloves embellished with a ridge of claw-like, upturned hooks along each knuckle, all emblazoned with the logo of Atlas—Greek Titan of Endurance—shouldering the world in a neon blue silhouette.
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- Author Can Küçükali
A Strongman is a person who denies that he is a strongman just because he allows others to tell him so. This is the mere reflection of an arrogance which implies that he shows mercy to dissidence although he does not have to. Such an emphasis to mercy by a statesman is in fact a clear indication of a dictatorial mind.Alıntı: Can Küçükali. “Me and the Strongman”. Apple Books.
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