43 Quotes About Autobiographical

  • Author Rob Grimes
  • Quote

    I walked the length of the ward, towards the exit with what I imagined to be the stoic, dignified stride of a gunslinger walking away from his last fight, determined to make it outside before I broke into a million pieces, I almost made it too.

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  • Author audre lorde
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    To whom do I owe the power behind my voice, what strength I have become, yeasting up like sudden blood from under the bruised skin's blister? My father leaves his psychic print upon me, silent, intense, and unforgiving. But his is a distant lightning. Images of women flaming like torches adorn and define the borders of my journey, stand like dykes between me and the chaos. It is the images of women, kind and cruel, that lead me home.

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  • Author Anne Roiphe
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    Silence in the shell of a city, no baby crying, no car honking, no ambulance shrieking, no lovers moaning, no drunks throwing up in the alley, no lights, nothing but wind and rain and snow in its season and rust and a rattling of open doors and carcass smell. It was a possibility like a brain tumor or a scorpion bite.

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  • Author James Frey
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    I learned to read at a young age and I have always read voraciously. It is one of the few things, aside from getting fucked up and getting in trouble, that I have done consistently throughout my entire life.

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  • Author Philip K. Dick
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    In a sense, the better you adapt to school the less your chances are of later adapting to the actual world. So I figure, the worse you adapt to school, the better you will be able to handle reality when you finally manage to get loose at last from school, if that ever happens. But I guess I have what in the military they call a 'poor attitude,' which means 'shape up or ship out.' I always elected to ship out.

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  • Author হুমায়ুন আজাদ
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    বারোটার সময় দাঁড়ালাম পেতলের ঘণ্টাটার পাশে। ওই ঘণ্টার শব্দ গুণে আমি ইস্কুলে যাই। কতো মধ্যরাতে ঘুম ভেঙে শুনেছি ওই ঘণ্টার দিগন্তের রহস্যবিভোর ধ্বনি। একজন দারোয়ান একটা বড় মুগুর দিয়ে দুটো-দুটো ক'রে ঘা দিলো। পৃথিবীতে বারোটা বাজলো, দুপুর হলো। সময়কে সেদিন আমরা বাজতে দেখলাম।

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