76 Quotes About Awkwardness

  • Author Becky Albertalli
  • Quote

    I never really know the protocol for this kind of situation. It's like when you're in line at a store, and a grandma starts telling you all about her grandchildren or her arthritis, and you smile and nod along. But then it's your turn to check out, so you're just like okay, well, good-bye forever.

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  • Author Liane Moriarty
  • Quote

    Even after all these years, she still said the word "gig" self-consciously, in the same way that she always said "croissant" with the proper French pronunciation, but with an apologetic, self-deprecating look to make up for her pretentiousness.

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  • Author Meg Mason
  • Quote

    We hugged each other like two people who had no practical experience of embracing, had only taught themselves the theory from a poorly worded manual.

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  • Author Bandy Sholtes
  • Quote

    А еще все англичане при встрече с неангличанами на ступеньках, на терассе перед нашей спальней и вообще хоть где показывают большой палец. Не путать со средним пальцем. Большой палец - мол, все ок, чувак, мол, не знаю, поймешь ли ты, если я открою рот со своим мэйби да и прочими непроизносимыми звуками, но я дружелюбен и вот показываю тебе палец, чтоб сообщить тебе хоть что-то, не можем же мы постоянно молчать.

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  • Author Fyodor Dostoyevsky
  • Quote

    But the trouble was that the hysterics could not go on for ever, and (I am writing the loathsome truth) lying face downwards on the sofa with my face thrust into my nasty leather pillow, I began by degrees to be aware of a far-away, involuntary but irresistible feeling that it would be awkward now for me to raise my head and look Liza straight in the face. Why was I ashamed? I don't know, but I was ashamed.

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