80 Quotes About Banging

  • Author Al Scates
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    Right now, this is the worst serving team I ever had. But we're going to keep banging jump serves, and by the end of the year, we'll be better.

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  • Author Ben Shapiro
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    Geopolitical drama lessened but did not die after the Cold War; in 2008, the specter of thousands of seeming automatons banging drums at the opening of the Beijing Games frightened and enthralled the world, reminding us that China was a nation on the rise, a competitor for global dominance.

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  • Author Jim Sanford
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    It was both self-regulating and self-selecting. If someone came banging on the door at midnight wanting to play hockey, you'd grab for your stick.

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  • Author Katie Smith
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    She was in there with the trees, banging away. She's fearless and competitive. She looks strong. She's ready to rock and roll.

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  • Author Etan Thomas
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    I'm having fun out there getting more time. Coach has more confidence in me and it's fun. I'm going to keep banging and keep playing hard.

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  • Author John Tortorella
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    I think it's the maturity level of our club. I think we've shown that the last little while. We've stayed with it. We haven't turned into individuals, we've just tried to keep banging away.

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