361 Quotes About Banking
- Author Eric Ambler
International big business has made revolutions before now to safeguard its interests. At one time it made them … in the name of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity. Now, with Socialism to fight, it makes them in the name of Law and Order and Sound Finance. Assassination? If an assassination is going to be good for business, then there will be an assassination.
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- Author James Thomas Kesterson Jr
At one time, I worked for a 401k retirement Plan company that handled retirement plans for Transamerica, Vanguard, and all others 401k and IRA corporations operating in America. I can tell you, first hand, that retirement plans are a scam designed to make investors money without spending a dime of their own money.
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- Author Auliq Ice
It's good to have a special price to pay for the future and it will pay you in return, in the exact way you would wish to be paid.
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- Author Leopold II
My dear General, the Belgian state, will shortly issue a government loan of fifty million, France is writing one of two and a half billion, please ask Lambert to inform you of the condition of the French operation, as for the Belgian loan, leave it to me to try and get information from the ministers, but don't say anything to Lambert, if the French government loan yields 5 or 6 percent I will invest a large sum in it, if the interest is lower then I won't subscribe to it.
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- Author Gavin John Adams
Like all financial schemes, the Mississippi Scheme was constructed upon the volatile foundation of confidence. For the public to continue to use the Banque Royale’s banknotes, it had to remain confident that those banknotes would retain and represent their stated face value. And for the public to continue to invest in Mississippi Company shares, it had to remain confident that the prospects of the Mississippi Company justified the market price of the shares.
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- Author William J. Bernstein
Although the Muslim commercial web possessed many advanced features, including bills of exchange, sophisticated lending institutions, and futures markets, no Islamic state ever established the bedrock financial institution of the modern world: a national or central bank
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- Author Collin Coel
Während der Wissenschaftler stets um den rechten Weg bemüht ist und ihm jeder noch so kleine Fehler ein Dorn im Auge ist, erlaubt sich der Künstler, die ausgetretenen Pfade zu verlassen, die Sache bewusst komplett anders anzupacken und aus den Fehlern zu lernen.
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- Author Collin Coel
Warren Buffett wird nicht müde zu betonen, dass es an ihm ist, sich selbst die Verwaltung des kleinsten Geldbetrages sehr angelegen sein zu lassen. Und eben darin bekundet sich jenes Verantwortungsbewusstsein, mit dem Staat zu machen ist.
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- Author Collin Coel
Es reicht, über die Geschäfte des Unternehmens im Bilde zu sein, dank erwiesener Ertragskraft, hoher Kapitalrenditen, niedriger Schulden und exquisiter Produkte beruhigt der Zukunft entgegenzusehen, die Gewissheit zu haben, dass fähige Manager am Drücker sitzen, und in ein Unternehmen zu investieren, das generell hoch im Kurs steht.
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