307 Quotes About Bases

  • Author Samuel Johnson
  • Quote

    Since life itself is uncertain, nothing which has life for its basis can boast much stability.

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  • Author The Jerusalem
  • Quote

    are central bases for terrorist factors responsible for the murder of scores of Israeli civilians.

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  • Author Tim Johnson
  • Quote

    Mr. Oxley bases his legislation on the substance of the arguments, not on political contributions or social acquaintances.

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  • Author Tim Johnson
  • Quote

    It indicates this BRAC Commission will be quite independent in making its determinations about which bases to close and which to keep open,

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  • Author Bern Kohler
  • Quote

    This slow relaxation of energy is utterly different from the mechanism in single bases that transforms the energy into heat in less than a trillionth of a second.

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  • Author Bern Kohler
  • Quote

    Even though paired bases are connected by weak chemical bonds, it's the interactions that take place without chemical bonds the interactions between stacked bases that are much more important for dissipating UV energy.

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  • Author Jeff Kagan
  • Quote

    The long-term winners will be the big companies we all know by name now. In the shorter term, the smaller firms are doing a good job of building customer bases and rolling up the technology they'll need to compete.

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