26 Quotes About Bbw-romance

  • Author Tamara Hoffa
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    Boy oh boy, this man is trouble. He was slowly tearing down the wall she’d built around her heart, brick by brick. Could any man be this perfect? He must have some faults. Maybe he is a chauvinist pig…no, doesn’t seem like it. He is kind to animals and children, he is a fireman, he looks like sex on a stick. What could be wrong with him? Maybe he snores. Oh, wouldn’t I like to find out?

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  • Author Tamara Hoffa
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    Her arms crept around his neck and she sunk her hand into the wavy hair at his nape. He was stealing her senses. She needed to stop this…in just a minute. He was such a good kisser, just the right amount of pressure and passion. She sighed again and moved her hands to his shoulders pushing back.

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  • Author Tamara Hoffa
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    It had been too long since she’d had some hot sex. She wasn’t looking for a relationship. No, a one night stand was what she wanted. Anonymous sex with a handsome cowboy that she would never have to see again.

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  • Author Tamara Hoffa
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    Chase looked up from his beer when the bar door opened again, and his eyes widened. Hot damn! There was a goddess standing in the doorway. Holy shit, that was one hot woman…and that hair? He could already feel it sliding against his skin as she rode him like a wild stallion. Bet it will feel like silk.

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